1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
Cheeks i guess ?
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Wanna go back sleeping again. Cause damn tired to go school.
3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?
Elaine [ SYF Rehearsal ]
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
Sometimes. But i love what i am now.
5. Will you ever donate blood ?
Yes ! :D
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
Yupps . [:
7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
Nahhs . I don't think of such things :D
8. What does your last text message say?
By Justin. [ U ltr 10+ can chat? ]
9. What are you thinking right now ?
Tomorrow whether to go back to my primary school take gu zheng lesson.
1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
Yes. [ Shi Qi ]
11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
2 midnight. watching ghost show. XD
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
Er. Chinatown? My pyjamas XD!
13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
My GuZheng teacher... how she scolded me.
14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
I said alrdy! JUSTIN!
Ten "Lucky" Person to do this quiz ;
1. JiaSiang
2. Jasmine
3. YiTian
4. Matin
5. JiaXin
6. JiaEn
7. Colleen
8. Elaine
9. WenLe
15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?[Jasmine]
ME!!! Miss herx3!
16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?[YiTian]
Female of course!!!
17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good thing ?[JiaSiang & Colleen]
No! I dun wan jia siang to be my cousin de laogong? And they dun knw each other. XD
18. What is no.1 studying about ?[Colleen]
A level harder than me so i not very sure... shes sec 2...
19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
Recently ... all during lesson or on msn. Except COLLEN! aw. Miss her!
2o. Is no.4 single ? [Matin]
Nope. The whole world knows hes attached to shannon.
21. Say something about no.2? [Jasmine]
EMO. Likes wrist cutting. [No offence seh jie!]
22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?[YiTian and JiaEn]
Splendid! They are both happy-go-lucky. But too bad they are both girls.
23. Describe no.9 .[WenLe]
Chioobu :D . Caring and SWEET! My dearest darlinq.
24. What will you do if no.6 & no.7 fight ?[JiaEn & Colleen]
On my! I will be the peacemaker! HAHA!
25. Do you like 8 ? [Elaine]
Saturday, March 28
Rules and regulation of the tag:All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head,And then answer the questions,Say you're guessing if you don't know,But at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 unlucky friends to do the same.
2.Ting Yao (6i)
6.Yan ling
8. YanLin
9. Mildred
How did you meet 7 ? [Phyllis] - Classmates, and started talking.
2.What would you do if you and 15 had never met ? [ShiQi] - OH my! Life would be miserable~ She's my best best friend and most darling one!
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated ? [Shaun & Jia Xin] - No way. How dare shaun snatch my mistress!
4. Have you seen 17 cried ? [Elaine] - Nope, shes the type of happy-go-lucky girl.
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple [Justin and KevinKang] - You must be joking right-.-??
6. Do you think 11 is attractive ? [JiaSiang] - He got a sexy voice. LOLS~!!!
7. What's 2 favourite colour ? [TingYao] - Black i suppose.
8. When was the last time you talked to 9 ? [Mildred] - Jus now? On MSN!
9. What language does 8 speaks ? [YanLin]- Chinese, English, Cantonese.
10. Who is 13 going out with ? [Cheryl] - She's pretty but she doesn't have a stead.
So she's going out with shiqi and me??
11. Would you ever date 17 ? [Elaine] - Wow. She's my mistress too.
12. Where does 18 live ? [WenLe] - Serangoon, if im not wrong.
13. What's the best thing about 4 ? [YuWei] - Not petty?
14. What would you like to tell 10 rite now ? [Dillon] - Stupid huhupig.
15. What's the best thing about 20 ? [Shaun] - ... doesn't scare of teachers?
16. Have you ever kiss 2 ? [Ting Yao] - Nope, but held hand. he's my ex-stead.
17. What's the best memory you have of 5 ? [Justin] - Ohmy! He confessed to me?
18. When's the time you're gonna see 4 again ? [YuWei] - When school reopens next monday?
19. How is 7 different from 6 ? [Phyllis & YanLing] - Phyllis likes y2j , yanling likes korean singer/actor... nt sure...
21. What's your 1st impression of 15 ? [ShiQi] - I forgotted... i knew her since primary 3. Impression should be a good, quiet & nice student bah.
22. How do you meet 3 ? [Matin] - During monitor election, he called my name uh.
23. Is 15 your best friend ? [ShiQi] - OMY . SMART! She's my darlinqq!
24. Do you hate 12 ? [Christina] - Of course not, she's such a sweet girl!
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month ? [WenLe] - Yea. I saw her yesterday, chinese dance.
26. When was the last time you saw 16 ? [KevinKang] - Yesterday. In school?
27. Have you been to 5's house ? [Justin] - Nope, and don't want to.
28. When's the next time you'll see 10 ? [Dillon] - When school reopens next monday.
29. Are you close to 11 ? [JiaSiang] - Not very close. but closer than normal friends?? XD
30. Have you been to the movies with 4 ? [YuWei] - Nope, but if she ask me out i'll surely go!
31. Have you gotten into trouble with 8 ? [Mildred] - Yea. With the HSM dance competition thingy.
32. Would you give 19 a hug ? [Dickson] - A handshake is enough.
33. When have you lied to 3 ? [Matin] - I didn't lie to him.
34. Is 11 good at socializing ? [JiaSiang] - YES! He likes to make people laugh!
35. Do you know a secret about 8 ? [YanLin] - Of course, she's my gan mei. we often share secrets together!
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. [Christina & WenLe] - They are both from hougang sec but i dun think they know each other.
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9 ? [Mildred] - I dun really like her.
38. What's the worst thing about 6 ? [YanLing] - As far as i know, none.
39. Do you have a crush on 12 ? [Christina] - Im not a les, dude.
40. How long have you known 2 ? [Ting Yao] - Since Primary 5, same class.
41. Does 11 have any girlfriend/boyfriend ? [JiaSiang] - Nop. But he's a little emo?
42. Have you wanted to punch 1 in the face ? [JiaXin] - Nop. She's a pleasant girl.
43. Have 21 meet your parents ? [Darren] - No way?
44. How did you meet 11 ? [JiaSiang] - Classmates.
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3 ? [Matin] - I hit him before but didn't hurt him! o.o!
46. Did you live close to 7 ? [Phyllis] - I dun think so. Where does she live?
47. What's 8 favourite food ? [YanLin] - Teriyaki chicken from nan chiau primary?
48. What kind of car does 1 have ? [JiaXin] - She's underage. But im sure shes craving for one.
49. Have you travelled anywhere with 9 ? [Mildred] - Nope. but if we won that competition that time we would have gone to syndey.
50. If you gave 14 a $100, what would she/he spend it on ? [Colleen] - Clothes, Skirts, Shoes, Bags, Hoodies, Everything thats in trends, YOGA's concert?? (OVER!)
And she will spent $10 of it on me! She's my laopo AKA cousin!
2.Ting Yao (6i)
6.Yan ling
8. YanLin
9. Mildred
How did you meet 7 ? [Phyllis] - Classmates, and started talking.
2.What would you do if you and 15 had never met ? [ShiQi] - OH my! Life would be miserable~ She's my best best friend and most darling one!
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated ? [Shaun & Jia Xin] - No way. How dare shaun snatch my mistress!
4. Have you seen 17 cried ? [Elaine] - Nope, shes the type of happy-go-lucky girl.
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple [Justin and KevinKang] - You must be joking right-.-??
6. Do you think 11 is attractive ? [JiaSiang] - He got a sexy voice. LOLS~!!!
7. What's 2 favourite colour ? [TingYao] - Black i suppose.
8. When was the last time you talked to 9 ? [Mildred] - Jus now? On MSN!
9. What language does 8 speaks ? [YanLin]- Chinese, English, Cantonese.
10. Who is 13 going out with ? [Cheryl] - She's pretty but she doesn't have a stead.
So she's going out with shiqi and me??
11. Would you ever date 17 ? [Elaine] - Wow. She's my mistress too.
12. Where does 18 live ? [WenLe] - Serangoon, if im not wrong.
13. What's the best thing about 4 ? [YuWei] - Not petty?
14. What would you like to tell 10 rite now ? [Dillon] - Stupid huhupig.
15. What's the best thing about 20 ? [Shaun] - ... doesn't scare of teachers?
16. Have you ever kiss 2 ? [Ting Yao] - Nope, but held hand. he's my ex-stead.
17. What's the best memory you have of 5 ? [Justin] - Ohmy! He confessed to me?
18. When's the time you're gonna see 4 again ? [YuWei] - When school reopens next monday?
19. How is 7 different from 6 ? [Phyllis & YanLing] - Phyllis likes y2j , yanling likes korean singer/actor... nt sure...
21. What's your 1st impression of 15 ? [ShiQi] - I forgotted... i knew her since primary 3. Impression should be a good, quiet & nice student bah.
22. How do you meet 3 ? [Matin] - During monitor election, he called my name uh.
23. Is 15 your best friend ? [ShiQi] - OMY . SMART! She's my darlinqq!
24. Do you hate 12 ? [Christina] - Of course not, she's such a sweet girl!
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month ? [WenLe] - Yea. I saw her yesterday, chinese dance.
26. When was the last time you saw 16 ? [KevinKang] - Yesterday. In school?
27. Have you been to 5's house ? [Justin] - Nope, and don't want to.
28. When's the next time you'll see 10 ? [Dillon] - When school reopens next monday.
29. Are you close to 11 ? [JiaSiang] - Not very close. but closer than normal friends?? XD
30. Have you been to the movies with 4 ? [YuWei] - Nope, but if she ask me out i'll surely go!
31. Have you gotten into trouble with 8 ? [Mildred] - Yea. With the HSM dance competition thingy.
32. Would you give 19 a hug ? [Dickson] - A handshake is enough.
33. When have you lied to 3 ? [Matin] - I didn't lie to him.
34. Is 11 good at socializing ? [JiaSiang] - YES! He likes to make people laugh!
35. Do you know a secret about 8 ? [YanLin] - Of course, she's my gan mei. we often share secrets together!
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. [Christina & WenLe] - They are both from hougang sec but i dun think they know each other.
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9 ? [Mildred] - I dun really like her.
38. What's the worst thing about 6 ? [YanLing] - As far as i know, none.
39. Do you have a crush on 12 ? [Christina] - Im not a les, dude.
40. How long have you known 2 ? [Ting Yao] - Since Primary 5, same class.
41. Does 11 have any girlfriend/boyfriend ? [JiaSiang] - Nop. But he's a little emo?
42. Have you wanted to punch 1 in the face ? [JiaXin] - Nop. She's a pleasant girl.
43. Have 21 meet your parents ? [Darren] - No way?
44. How did you meet 11 ? [JiaSiang] - Classmates.
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3 ? [Matin] - I hit him before but didn't hurt him! o.o!
46. Did you live close to 7 ? [Phyllis] - I dun think so. Where does she live?
47. What's 8 favourite food ? [YanLin] - Teriyaki chicken from nan chiau primary?
48. What kind of car does 1 have ? [JiaXin] - She's underage. But im sure shes craving for one.
49. Have you travelled anywhere with 9 ? [Mildred] - Nope. but if we won that competition that time we would have gone to syndey.
50. If you gave 14 a $100, what would she/he spend it on ? [Colleen] - Clothes, Skirts, Shoes, Bags, Hoodies, Everything thats in trends, YOGA's concert?? (OVER!)
And she will spent $10 of it on me! She's my laopo AKA cousin!
Had a boring studying normal life -.-
Yesterday watch ghost show again.
Have been catching it every friday night channel u 11.30 to 1.30...
Today woke up at 2.
Ate lunch and daze while watching tele and doing hw.
And now just on computer.
Stupid Chinese Teacher lols.
At first say send to her email can liao.
Now still need print the whole presentation out.
Then my group de all no printer? (Or is their excuse) (i wun knw)
Then my printer spoil.
So now trying to be a techni`cian??
And try to fix it to print.
And i owe Mrs Gibson a piece of english work.
Finally completed my CME Project, Geography Project, Literature Project.
Chinese Project completed but some problems as u see..
K. can't chat much le-.-
And loads of peeps asking me whats the HW.
I really dunno and too lazy to check!
To live is to suffer
Had a boring studying normal life -.-
Yesterday watch ghost show again.
Have been catching it every friday night channel u 11.30 to 1.30...
Today woke up at 2.
Ate lunch and daze while watching tele and doing hw.
And now just on computer.
Stupid Chinese Teacher lols.
At first say send to her email can liao.
Now still need print the whole presentation out.
Then my group de all no printer? (Or is their excuse) (i wun knw)
Then my printer spoil.
So now trying to be a techni`cian??
And try to fix it to print.
And i owe Mrs Gibson a piece of english work.
Finally completed my CME Project, Geography Project, Literature Project.
Chinese Project completed but some problems as u see..
K. can't chat much le-.-
And loads of peeps asking me whats the HW.
I really dunno and too lazy to check!
To live is to suffer
Tuesday, March 24
Sunday, March 22
Edition from jus now post.
Yesterday during my competition halfway,
ShiQi and Elaine smsed me.
By shi qi. " SO many seniors angry with you lol. "
By Elaine. "Jia Xin pissed off... Alot of eniors angry with u. Jy anw. "
jus because i nv go chinese dance practice and went for my competition.
Shi qi. " Don know... Take it as you don know anything bahh... They say you betray them by joining modern dance. "
Wat the?
V.I is not modern dance.
Its hip hop.
And i like chinese dance then cannot like hip hop meh.
And V.I not only modern dancers can join.
ART club or lion dance or even toilet washing pupils can join la!
The only available for modern dance group is call RMB.
Rhythm the beats.
We are V.I.
Vestage Intensity.
Be mentally prepared when i go back to chinese dace cause jia xin will scold me like hell?
Believe me or not? Its ur choice.
Yesterday during my competition halfway,
ShiQi and Elaine smsed me.
By shi qi. " SO many seniors angry with you lol. "
By Elaine. "Jia Xin pissed off... Alot of eniors angry with u. Jy anw. "
jus because i nv go chinese dance practice and went for my competition.
Shi qi. " Don know... Take it as you don know anything bahh... They say you betray them by joining modern dance. "
Wat the?
V.I is not modern dance.
Its hip hop.
And i like chinese dance then cannot like hip hop meh.
And V.I not only modern dancers can join.
ART club or lion dance or even toilet washing pupils can join la!
The only available for modern dance group is call RMB.
Rhythm the beats.
We are V.I.
Vestage Intensity.
Be mentally prepared when i go back to chinese dace cause jia xin will scold me like hell?
Believe me or not? Its ur choice.
Wen Ting ... obviously is a female.
But she dress herself like a male.
And during V.I training, we went to guys toilet and play.
TATA. wenting peeing! Not available for age under 18. XD!
Inside theres our V.I leader, Dickson A.K.A squirrel photo,
Stethanie, Cheryl, Rion, Adelle, WenTing, Nurul, And no lynette ! (:
During our training,
We went to the multi purpose hall beside hougang point.
We were training there.
And during break,
We played at the playground beside the hall.
I did loads of stunts.
HAHA. too bad u peeps missed it!
And squirrel saw me doing front flip and wan to copy.
Then he did...
BOMB! Squirrel fall from a stick!!! MUAHAHA.
This is a damn funny joke and the whole V.I was laughing like hell.
Yesterday was our competition.
After the rehearsal and seeing other schools standard,
We already had a mental preparation that...
We won't win...
YEA. we didn't win.
But we really enjoyed ourselve.
And i think... i did my best for my competition! (:
WOOTS! Hip Hop and V.I are lovveeed by lynetteee (:
I hope i can get the V.I. photos we took at VIVO yesterday after the competition.
Its kinda in adelle's camera.
But if i really got it from her...
I will show u all how loving are wE!
We are 4ever 1 big family!!! WOOTS x3!
.jpg)














Thanks V.I, the time i spent with u was the happiest of all!
But she dress herself like a male.
And during V.I training, we went to guys toilet and play.
TATA. wenting peeing! Not available for age under 18. XD!
Inside theres our V.I leader, Dickson A.K.A squirrel photo,
Stethanie, Cheryl, Rion, Adelle, WenTing, Nurul, And no lynette ! (:
During our training,
We went to the multi purpose hall beside hougang point.
We were training there.
And during break,
We played at the playground beside the hall.
I did loads of stunts.
HAHA. too bad u peeps missed it!
And squirrel saw me doing front flip and wan to copy.
Then he did...
BOMB! Squirrel fall from a stick!!! MUAHAHA.
This is a damn funny joke and the whole V.I was laughing like hell.
Yesterday was our competition.
After the rehearsal and seeing other schools standard,
We already had a mental preparation that...
We won't win...
YEA. we didn't win.
But we really enjoyed ourselve.
And i think... i did my best for my competition! (:
WOOTS! Hip Hop and V.I are lovveeed by lynetteee (:
I hope i can get the V.I. photos we took at VIVO yesterday after the competition.
Its kinda in adelle's camera.
But if i really got it from her...
I will show u all how loving are wE!
We are 4ever 1 big family!!! WOOTS x3!
.jpg)
Thanks V.I, the time i spent with u was the happiest of all!
Wednesday, March 18
Today morning when i just about to go out,
Shi Qi ( 1E2 ) called me and ask me around my house got any convinience store anot.
I ask her while,
She ask me help her buy breakfast-.-
Then i say got...
At LRT there.
Then she say wan bread.
Then no bread.
So bought curry puff for her instead.
So ex la. 3 for $1.30.
Then inside so little ingredients.
And its so inconvinience.
I go LRT.
Then after that must turn back and pass by my house again,
WAlk a distance then reach bus stop.
And tat cause me to be late for LESSON!
And startet chinese dance training.
Its not normal training...
And the word " INTENSIVE " is nt said by me ooo.
Its said by our senior jia xin le.
So can think of how intensive is it rite? HAHAX.
AFter that rushed to compass point to do LIT & GEO project.
Wif alicia, christina, hafeezhah, yiting.
Then at first we in library.
Discuss halfway, suddenly saw matin-.-
Then said hello to us and left...
Then after that kena chased by librarian.
No projects in the library.
WEird rite?
So we went to the popular to buy some materials.
Then we decided.
Heck care the librarian la.
So at first we do at adult corner.
Then we move to children's corner.
Children veri noisy la.
But nvm. Still can tahan.
Then the same stupid librarian come again.
No project works in the library.
So after much consideration,
We went to burger king and do our project.
WAKAO. really admire + jealous of alicia sia.
Her drawing, art, words all so nice.
And the project is like...
But then once i write on the big piece of paper,
its like spoiling everything.
Then after discussion...
The literature acting part..
Im gonna be Darryn Peck.
Then after that we dismissed.
Waited for mother at compass point while i shop around.
After that mother arrived.
Cause need buy white plan long sleeve tee for the V.I competition.
But after much searching, still couldn't find.
Can find la... but price all like $50+ for jus a plain tee. SIA!
Any recommandations of cheap and nice tee? XD
at least nt exceeding $35 bah...
And went home...
And had my normal life.
Then justin smsed me.
" U ltr 9 to 10+ can on9? "
So i online lols.
Then played checkers, reversi and bejeweled.
WAaa. i win all sia.
Feel veri proud for the checkers and reversi.
Cause checkers... i admit i quite pro la. XD
But reversi i first time playing sia.
But the bejeweled should be he win lols-.-
He let me play first-.-
And play halfway when his score going veri near mine...
I ask him stop-.-
Then i play till far score then he can start playing.
Didn't had my dinner.
So now consuming my maggie mee x3.
I finally completed my chinese project.
Its like the whole project im the only one contributing.
Sorry. Can't heal the wound
Today morning when i just about to go out,
Shi Qi ( 1E2 ) called me and ask me around my house got any convinience store anot.
I ask her while,
She ask me help her buy breakfast-.-
Then i say got...
At LRT there.
Then she say wan bread.
Then no bread.
So bought curry puff for her instead.
So ex la. 3 for $1.30.
Then inside so little ingredients.
And its so inconvinience.
I go LRT.
Then after that must turn back and pass by my house again,
WAlk a distance then reach bus stop.
And tat cause me to be late for LESSON!
And startet chinese dance training.
Its not normal training...
And the word " INTENSIVE " is nt said by me ooo.
Its said by our senior jia xin le.
So can think of how intensive is it rite? HAHAX.
AFter that rushed to compass point to do LIT & GEO project.
Wif alicia, christina, hafeezhah, yiting.
Then at first we in library.
Discuss halfway, suddenly saw matin-.-
Then said hello to us and left...
Then after that kena chased by librarian.
No projects in the library.
WEird rite?
So we went to the popular to buy some materials.
Then we decided.
Heck care the librarian la.
So at first we do at adult corner.
Then we move to children's corner.
Children veri noisy la.
But nvm. Still can tahan.
Then the same stupid librarian come again.
No project works in the library.
So after much consideration,
We went to burger king and do our project.
WAKAO. really admire + jealous of alicia sia.
Her drawing, art, words all so nice.
And the project is like...
But then once i write on the big piece of paper,
its like spoiling everything.
Then after discussion...
The literature acting part..
Im gonna be Darryn Peck.
Then after that we dismissed.
Waited for mother at compass point while i shop around.
After that mother arrived.
Cause need buy white plan long sleeve tee for the V.I competition.
But after much searching, still couldn't find.
Can find la... but price all like $50+ for jus a plain tee. SIA!
Any recommandations of cheap and nice tee? XD
at least nt exceeding $35 bah...
And went home...
And had my normal life.
Then justin smsed me.
" U ltr 9 to 10+ can on9? "
So i online lols.
Then played checkers, reversi and bejeweled.
WAaa. i win all sia.
Feel veri proud for the checkers and reversi.
Cause checkers... i admit i quite pro la. XD
But reversi i first time playing sia.
But the bejeweled should be he win lols-.-
He let me play first-.-
And play halfway when his score going veri near mine...
I ask him stop-.-
Then i play till far score then he can start playing.
Didn't had my dinner.
So now consuming my maggie mee x3.
I finally completed my chinese project.
Its like the whole project im the only one contributing.
Sorry. Can't heal the wound
Tuesday, March 17
Ranting time!!!
Im such a bitch!
How could i betray stethanie.
I promised her not to tell anyone.
But in the end i told dickson they all.
Imma such a bitch.
Whats the hell problem wif me.
Can't even keep a secret!
And since its a secret.
I promised that i will never ever share with all of u here!
OMG! Im so sorry stethanie!
I didn't meant to say that out!
No one understands me, not even myself
Ranting time!!!
Im such a bitch!
How could i betray stethanie.
I promised her not to tell anyone.
But in the end i told dickson they all.
Imma such a bitch.
Whats the hell problem wif me.
Can't even keep a secret!
And since its a secret.
I promised that i will never ever share with all of u here!
OMG! Im so sorry stethanie!
I didn't meant to say that out!
No one understands me, not even myself
Yo guys.
I know my blog is like dead for ... 5 days??
Now im posting.
Gonna briefly explain my schedule for this busy march holiday.
Monday. went for chinese dance lars.
Contributed my whole day for chinese dance.
9 to 4...
Tuesday. which is today.
Went to V.I training.
12 to 5.30?
Wednesday. which is tomorrow.
Chinese dance 9 to 12.
Then project 1 to maybe around 5.
Read class blog for more details.
V.I training again.
Friday. Full dress rehearsal for V.I...
Gonna be a tiring day.
Actual V.I competition at vivo city.
I changed my mind.
Pls dun go support wo worx.
I will paiseh de. XD!
Still donno whats going to happen.
But im sure even if im free.
dun forget,
Theres still HOMEWORK!!!
then monday school reopen le.
YEAH! I bought new phone i bought new phone!
Sony ericson w595 pink ♥
Its nicer than what i expected.
WOOTS! LOVE`ssssssss it!
Last friday, last day of term 1.
I went home after chinese dance.
And while crossin the road to the bus stop,
Guess what i saw.
Tiong Nam truck!
Only hougeans will find it funny lah.
I got loads of photos to show u all.
will update when im free.
Gonna do my chinese project now.
A minute ago optimistic, a minute after emo.
I know my blog is like dead for ... 5 days??
Now im posting.
Gonna briefly explain my schedule for this busy march holiday.
Monday. went for chinese dance lars.
Contributed my whole day for chinese dance.
9 to 4...
Tuesday. which is today.
Went to V.I training.
12 to 5.30?
Wednesday. which is tomorrow.
Chinese dance 9 to 12.
Then project 1 to maybe around 5.
Read class blog for more details.
V.I training again.
Friday. Full dress rehearsal for V.I...
Gonna be a tiring day.
Actual V.I competition at vivo city.
I changed my mind.
Pls dun go support wo worx.
I will paiseh de. XD!
Still donno whats going to happen.
But im sure even if im free.
dun forget,
Theres still HOMEWORK!!!
then monday school reopen le.
YEAH! I bought new phone i bought new phone!
Sony ericson w595 pink ♥
Its nicer than what i expected.
WOOTS! LOVE`ssssssss it!
Last friday, last day of term 1.
I went home after chinese dance.
And while crossin the road to the bus stop,
Guess what i saw.
Tiong Nam truck!
Only hougeans will find it funny lah.
I got loads of photos to show u all.
will update when im free.
Gonna do my chinese project now.
A minute ago optimistic, a minute after emo.
Thursday, March 12
Hell la.
No wonder my daddy says dun be a prefect or monitor.
You'll just get people to hate you...
Today i was just doing my duty.
Writing names of people who misbehaved on the board.
Includig standing up, talking loudly, playing / fooling around. etc.
And i told her to sit down.
And she gave me that heck care attitude.
And when she sat down i saw her complaining to her and giving me that stupid face.
And when want to ask something out from me,
start pleasing me like nothing had happen jus now.
Such a hypocrete. (WADEVA-U-SPELL-TIS-WORD!)
Dun write her name.
People say i unfair what ar.
Always write boys name never write girls name.
But write her name,
kena black face by her.
And if i approach cousellor for help.
Im sure she will just say.
Since that friend of yours is not a good friend,
why not let go of it and find another friend.
Sounds easy but not so easy.
Got a best friend from the next class.
But shes sort of hanging out with 'her'.
Making me feel odd when hanging out with 'them'.
Hey bitch.
Maybe after you read this you gonna give a damn about it.
Start a quarrel?
I dun care.
Anyway 'friends forever' died out from my dictionary since i was 10 years old.
I tell you.
Im pissed with all of you!
But im not going to make life simple for you guys!
Im going to torture all of you.
Im just full of hatred -[World's never simple]
No wonder my daddy says dun be a prefect or monitor.
You'll just get people to hate you...
Today i was just doing my duty.
Writing names of people who misbehaved on the board.
Includig standing up, talking loudly, playing / fooling around. etc.
And i told her to sit down.
And she gave me that heck care attitude.
And when she sat down i saw her complaining to her and giving me that stupid face.
And when want to ask something out from me,
start pleasing me like nothing had happen jus now.
Such a hypocrete. (WADEVA-U-SPELL-TIS-WORD!)
Dun write her name.
People say i unfair what ar.
Always write boys name never write girls name.
But write her name,
kena black face by her.
And if i approach cousellor for help.
Im sure she will just say.
Since that friend of yours is not a good friend,
why not let go of it and find another friend.
Sounds easy but not so easy.
Got a best friend from the next class.
But shes sort of hanging out with 'her'.
Making me feel odd when hanging out with 'them'.
Hey bitch.
Maybe after you read this you gonna give a damn about it.
Start a quarrel?
I dun care.
Anyway 'friends forever' died out from my dictionary since i was 10 years old.
I tell you.
Im pissed with all of you!
But im not going to make life simple for you guys!
Im going to torture all of you.
Monday, March 9
Hey guys.
Been missing out the latest newss??
Today netball training was 4 words.
But fun!!! XD
We had match.
Got lost the 2nd match.
So forfeit 15 pumpings.
Then after that a netball senior approached me.
Ask me if interested in dance.
And ask me to join this dance room call V.I.
As for what it means,
Don ask me, i dunno...
Its a group of mostly modern dancers.
Main dance in there is hip hop.
And they are recruiting members.
So i joined them.
WOOTS! Aniwae i had a passion for hip hop long ago too.
Then they say next saturday,
Which is the holiday saturday,
Gonna have competition at VIVO.
But of course nt me solo la. is group de...
But i still nt sure details.
But its comfirm le.
So when i comfirm details then i inform u all.
Then u all must support hor.
But its like...
WTH... so sudden lols.
And i have no hip hop background.
+U BAHH!!!
jia en and matin side jus ended.
Now not khye bin and ryan side pls?
i knew that matin and jia en's fight wun last long.
I told yi ting that they will talk to each other again soon...
And i really happened today.
But today ryan and khye bin sort of fighting.
Then people was trying to pull them bak la.
Dun knw what the hell happen la.
And i dun gif a damn.
Everyone is like trying to act hero and ask the class to chill down.
And gets the attention and claps claps for the hero.
I dun even know u all understand what i am saying now...
Its just ...
something u'll know when u get something right in ur mind.
Yo! Secret.
Supporting fans of mine who are always reading my post.
THank u u all.
I wanna reveal my secret here... now...
Only those people who read through my post can see this.
Cause its hidden!!!
1e1 ni enoemos no hsurs a evah i
Isn't that funny.
Thats my secret code.
People who missed it.
Too bad.
Nites guys. turning in early for the e-learning tomorrow.
If love's that simple, i wont lose u.
Been missing out the latest newss??
Today netball training was 4 words.
But fun!!! XD
We had match.
Got lost the 2nd match.
So forfeit 15 pumpings.
Then after that a netball senior approached me.
Ask me if interested in dance.
And ask me to join this dance room call V.I.
As for what it means,
Don ask me, i dunno...
Its a group of mostly modern dancers.
Main dance in there is hip hop.
And they are recruiting members.
So i joined them.
WOOTS! Aniwae i had a passion for hip hop long ago too.
Then they say next saturday,
Which is the holiday saturday,
Gonna have competition at VIVO.
But of course nt me solo la. is group de...
But i still nt sure details.
But its comfirm le.
So when i comfirm details then i inform u all.
Then u all must support hor.
But its like...
WTH... so sudden lols.
And i have no hip hop background.
+U BAHH!!!
jia en and matin side jus ended.
Now not khye bin and ryan side pls?
i knew that matin and jia en's fight wun last long.
I told yi ting that they will talk to each other again soon...
And i really happened today.
But today ryan and khye bin sort of fighting.
Then people was trying to pull them bak la.
Dun knw what the hell happen la.
And i dun gif a damn.
Everyone is like trying to act hero and ask the class to chill down.
And gets the attention and claps claps for the hero.
I dun even know u all understand what i am saying now...
Its just ...
something u'll know when u get something right in ur mind.
Yo! Secret.
Supporting fans of mine who are always reading my post.
THank u u all.
I wanna reveal my secret here... now...
Only those people who read through my post can see this.
Cause its hidden!!!
1e1 ni enoemos no hsurs a evah i
Isn't that funny.
Thats my secret code.
People who missed it.
Too bad.
Nites guys. turning in early for the e-learning tomorrow.
If love's that simple, i wont lose u.
Sunday, March 8
Saturday, March 7
Today was fun.
Had the so called.
Prefect, HLC, monitors gathering.
Then lunch was provided...
But too bad...
I didn't know and had lunch at home.
Then after the lunch.
We went to the AVA room.
then principal gave us a short speech.
Then show us the FAST values.
And 4321 again ( hougeans SHOULD know!!! )
XDXDXDXD. guaii rite. i remember them all.
And then mr ng ( principal ),
Ask us to look under our chairs and see if theres a sheet of paper stating HS.
Boohooo. Apparently i was not the lucky one!!!
4 lucky winners went to the front.
And actually they was playing a game.
There was a bottle of water,
And i small cup.
And eac of the hs leaders was suppose to pour the water from the bottle into the cup.
And one by one,
The person who spilled it will do punishment.
And each time the person finish pouring, it will call someone up to pour.
Then i didn't get a turn.
Cause no one called my name :(
But ronnie, from 1e2.
Finally, was the one who spilled the water.
And he had to eat the plate of food without utensils.
Meaning jus bending down and eat wif his mouth.
Everyone was laughing like hell.
Then principal said they created a room for hougang leaders.
Inside got 2 damn cute teddy chair, plasma tv, and 2 NITENDO WII!!!
Then a lot ppl went there to chill after the gathering.
Then after a while, they all left.
Then only left me, kevin. k, anthony & another monitor ( dunno his name )
Then we play using the chairs la...
Dunno how to say.
But veri funn!!!
Then after that we all went bak.
AT first kevin and ( monitor ) went bak first.
Then me and anthony nothing do.
So went oso.
Then there was a big big thunder rain...
And poor me and anthony had no umbrella.
So we ran through the rain.
WOOTS! Shoik lols.
Then ran to the overhead bridge and crossed to the opposite bus stop.
And took bus 101 with anthony.
But i alighted at hougang mall to take mrt home.
While anthony said he was going to serangoon there internet cafe.
Badd boy rite??
I wish his parents read this post...
I evil rite???
But now caught a cold.
Isn't feeling quite well.
So after finding information for my project,
Gonna turn in early.
THats the long post for today.
Friends !!!
strong people only appears to be strong on appearance. they cry also
Had the so called.
Prefect, HLC, monitors gathering.
Then lunch was provided...
But too bad...
I didn't know and had lunch at home.
Then after the lunch.
We went to the AVA room.
then principal gave us a short speech.
Then show us the FAST values.
And 4321 again ( hougeans SHOULD know!!! )
XDXDXDXD. guaii rite. i remember them all.
And then mr ng ( principal ),
Ask us to look under our chairs and see if theres a sheet of paper stating HS.
Boohooo. Apparently i was not the lucky one!!!
4 lucky winners went to the front.
And actually they was playing a game.
There was a bottle of water,
And i small cup.
And eac of the hs leaders was suppose to pour the water from the bottle into the cup.
And one by one,
The person who spilled it will do punishment.
And each time the person finish pouring, it will call someone up to pour.
Then i didn't get a turn.
Cause no one called my name :(
But ronnie, from 1e2.
Finally, was the one who spilled the water.
And he had to eat the plate of food without utensils.
Meaning jus bending down and eat wif his mouth.
Everyone was laughing like hell.
Then principal said they created a room for hougang leaders.
Inside got 2 damn cute teddy chair, plasma tv, and 2 NITENDO WII!!!
Then a lot ppl went there to chill after the gathering.
Then after a while, they all left.
Then only left me, kevin. k, anthony & another monitor ( dunno his name )
Then we play using the chairs la...
Dunno how to say.
But veri funn!!!
Then after that we all went bak.
AT first kevin and ( monitor ) went bak first.
Then me and anthony nothing do.
So went oso.
Then there was a big big thunder rain...
And poor me and anthony had no umbrella.
So we ran through the rain.
WOOTS! Shoik lols.
Then ran to the overhead bridge and crossed to the opposite bus stop.
And took bus 101 with anthony.
But i alighted at hougang mall to take mrt home.
While anthony said he was going to serangoon there internet cafe.
Badd boy rite??
I wish his parents read this post...
I evil rite???
But now caught a cold.
Isn't feeling quite well.
So after finding information for my project,
Gonna turn in early.
THats the long post for today.
Friends !!!
strong people only appears to be strong on appearance. they cry also
Wednesday, March 4
Yo all.
K my darling yi tian complain i nv post le.
Means shes always reading my post!!!
Thank u for supporting me worrs!!! ^^
K. Netball training was hell.
Stretching alone was hell.
Still must run.
Practice throwing.
And run non stop at quick speed till theres a lot friction at ur shoe sole and u feel like ur feets burning!!!
Then after all the trainings before lesson end must do stretching again-.-
Chinese dance rox.
Its tiring.
And im born to have a hard and * in flexible * bone.
I like it.
So i dun mind how tiring it is.
U know now they change to every wenesnday to saturday oso got practice.
Wednesday to Friday is after school 2.30-530p.m.
Saturday is morning 8 to 11!!!!
Intensive training!!!
Cause teacher say each of our costume is likke $200++
Then shoes already $40++
So school spent a lot money on us.
So must get gold with honour.
But who cares.
In the end the costume oso not for us.
Lols. then march holiday monday and tuesday got practice.
11 to 4!!! WOOTS.
And this saturday got moniter training.
Dunno who what laaa...
But i dun think i can be prefect le.
Then interview was like.
If u're smart u'll know how to pronouce it.
And today.
wahh. 1e1 monitor so guaii. litter on the floor.
Thank u wor elaine for the compliment!!!
K still got a lot of homework waiting for me.
And i finally can upgrade my phone after 15th march!
Sony ericsson w595 (pink) ,
K. darlings and friends~~~
Catch my kiss k!
K my darling yi tian complain i nv post le.
Means shes always reading my post!!!
Thank u for supporting me worrs!!! ^^
K. Netball training was hell.
Stretching alone was hell.
Still must run.
Practice throwing.
And run non stop at quick speed till theres a lot friction at ur shoe sole and u feel like ur feets burning!!!
Then after all the trainings before lesson end must do stretching again-.-
Chinese dance rox.
Its tiring.
And im born to have a hard and * in flexible * bone.
I like it.
So i dun mind how tiring it is.
U know now they change to every wenesnday to saturday oso got practice.
Wednesday to Friday is after school 2.30-530p.m.
Saturday is morning 8 to 11!!!!
Intensive training!!!
Cause teacher say each of our costume is likke $200++
Then shoes already $40++
So school spent a lot money on us.
So must get gold with honour.
But who cares.
In the end the costume oso not for us.
Lols. then march holiday monday and tuesday got practice.
11 to 4!!! WOOTS.
And this saturday got moniter training.
Dunno who what laaa...
But i dun think i can be prefect le.
Then interview was like.
If u're smart u'll know how to pronouce it.
And today.
wahh. 1e1 monitor so guaii. litter on the floor.
Thank u wor elaine for the compliment!!!
K still got a lot of homework waiting for me.
And i finally can upgrade my phone after 15th march!
Sony ericsson w595 (pink) ,
K. darlings and friends~~~
Catch my kiss k!
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