Tuesday, April 20

I'm lost,

Quote of the day : I will be strong, I'm strong :)

DnT was great, saw my product le, left the legs :P

RECESS, chinese got back exam paper.
42/50, i was shock cause teacher praise me, like first time a secondary school chinese teacher actually praised me? :P
ART, teacher brief on the exam stuffs.
Did this,

Math, couldn't concentrate, was basically sleeping.

After school went to point to eat with dillon and jiaen.
Ate at mac, then went home.
On the way walking to bus stop, suddenly heard xenia shouting kong long.
Turned around, saw her.
Joined xenia and her class people and played a 'catching' game :)
Quite fun, knew new friends like Nikki, Darren, YiWen and about (?) guy :P
After that one guy pissed off then left, soo all disperse.
Bused 88 home.

Reached home, bathed and had dinner.
Didn't know how my time passed, probably staring at this screen.
Played wolfteam, i owned shaun but kena owned by alot ppl :P
After that hazel called me, and said coming my house.
sooo waited awhile, prepared the stuffs and she came.
Did our memory book, she was webcamming with anthony :)
She ate dinner at my house, spaghetti! hehes, all my friends love mummy's spaghetti.
After that took some photos, and she left.
Send her to the carpark downstairs, then she went home.

Now kinda bored, suppose to be studying today.
But sort of stared at this screen, and i've just realised the radio waves the computers are given are making my eyes hurt (!)
Gotta rest soon, BYE :)

i thought deleting you out of my memory will be nothing difficult.
But it was never possible, never.
I'm lost, you lead me to your heart but you throw me alone here with the keys.
I'll just walk around and hopefully find the lock someday.

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