Today morning woke up at 7.30.
Bused and reached at 8.30.
Went to hougang point to have breakfast.
then walked back to the bus stop to meet the rest.
It was still early lols.
Reached the bus stop at 9.
They all came at 9.30.
Bused 43 to east coast park.
Wahh the bus sooo dam far.
Sit 1 hour ++ make me *Bus*-sick . XD
The bus didn't bring us directly there though.
We need walk quite a distance there lols.
And we cycled.
WAHH. $6 le. mummy only gib me $7.
And i only left $1...
After that played captions ball.
Took netball group photo.
Then teacher officially dismissed us at 2.30.
Dismissed as at east coast park.
So we can continue staying there and play lols.
After that built a sandcastle with some netball friends.
It was super nice de.
Im the PRO here ok. XDXD.
Ok la... then photos are jolene's camera.
I swear once she upload her blog i will chop the pic and upload it here. XD
Rained and stopped a few times today.
After that time passed very fast.
And bused to compass point.
By the time i reach compass point already 6.
Then i remember.
OHSHIT! today meeting yvonne at my house downstairs.
Cause we going *tea break* with our ex-tuition teacher.
Then i met her at 5.
I didn't know i will play till so late lols.
Cause consent form said 2.30-.-
Then i thought sure can make it de.
Then just nice my ez-link no more money today.
So that 1 dollar i used to sit through and flow 2 fares le...
Then i no more $$ le-.-
I was like OMG! how i go home.
I said. nvm. since im late, and i needa rush.
SO why dun i run home.
WAAA. then i really from compass point run home.
It took me 18 mins.
Not bad la.. XDXD. LRT 10 mins.
I 18 mins. NOT BAD NOT BAD.
WAHH. then i reach le call yvonne.
She say she dun feel like meeting le-.-
Then i say wa piang. i run all the way from compass point till here u say u dun feel like meeting le.
She say she also nv ask me run.
I know its my fault tat im late la.
But i seriously from compass point run till here.
And u just live here. u can come down and pei me walk walk de ma.
she just say she sian then i said bb-.-
-on phone conversation XDXD-
then i dragged my feets home.
Told whole story to mummy-.-
But she wasn't listening.
She was pushing me to the toilet.
Asking me to bathe myself clean and she on the washing machine le.
She need wash my WHITE FBT which turned brown after i sat on the sand today. XD
HAHA... thats my tiring day.
Aniwaes, got inspirations for my new blogskin.
So will start working on it... maybe next time im free ba?
Now really tired.
Cant keep my eyes open.
and yea. last but not least,
I asked colleen to help me do a part of the skin.
So i will surely credit u de rest assure! :DD
WOAISINNI laopo!!! x333
Having rehearsal at marina barage tomorrow.
Its for the water festival.
Ive read from the newspaper that marina barage is a newly constructed place.
Its like a bridge on water i think...
And we're performing for the water festival.
The water festival is 1 week. starts from 22th june.
But our performance is one day earlier.
Which is this sunday, 21th june lols. :D:D
OKOK. i really super tired le...
SO yea.
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