Went to zhiyin's house for dance practice around 9.
HAHAS, practicing our dance now; 舞出彩虹 theme song.
Practice practice pratice,
then suddenly lucas, abel and another 3 more guys came.
They come, then stop practice le -.-
Cause dont want dance in front of them.
After that left around 12+
Walked to hougang mall :)
Mummy called said found a white jacket at hougang mall!
So i went to see.
Tried on, not bad (!)
Called mummy, wanted to ask her buy for me, but cannot get through D:
use public phone call then she nv pick.
SMS her she also nv call back!
SIAN, then when mac donald buy shaker fries.
Then mrt-ed to compass point to meet shiqi and cheryl.
Reached a little late, SORRY! ><
walked to 89 bus stop.
Just missed one 89.
Waited awhile, then boarded the bus.
Reached and walk to ehub.
Was freezing cold ><
haahas, bought tickets. then went arcade to takeneoprints.
Because all of us didnt have scanner, SO :

ripped from shiqi's blog :)
hahhas, after that around 2+ went in the cinema.
Our sitting position: Cheryl, ShiQi then Lynette.
Movie began after 10 mins.
HMM, new moon was nice! ENJOYED~!
theres one part when everything was soften down, the sound also.
I almost feel asleep, really too tired ><
HAHAS, after that bused 89 all the way to hougang int.
Then we shopped around :)
Meet mummy then she bought the jacket for me.
ShiQi & Cheryl dont need be so jealous, cause that jacket i want for very very long le.
And negotiate very long then she agreed to buy for me ><
HAHAAS, when payment, tried the codes. (cause mummy got member)
But she forgot the code, in the end she got the code in the wrong sequence ><
HAHAS, after discount around $36.90.
Then mummy gave me $10, went kopitiam and top-up my card.
Ate char siew noodle, and bought soya bean drink.
After that everyone eat together :)
Then they pei me go down to mac there meet eric.
While they went home.
Walked to interchange with eric, saw them on the way :)
HAHAS, took bus 161 all the way to woodlands.
Cheryl was on the same bus as me ^^
Fell asleep on the bus, cause the journey is like 1 hour and im really tired. :/
hahahas, reached woodland interchange.
Took another bus; 169 and sat for 2 stops.
And reached singapore republic, its a polytechnic.
HAHAS, went in, couldnt find our way.
Eric say he always practice dance here, saw alot groups of dancers praciting :O
Maybe next time V.I. can also pracice there, since eric say anyone can come in.
But then its a little too faar !! ><
HAHAAS, really couldnt find our way.
Eric called his friend (Ingelica's brother), and he said go up a escalator.
We went up to the nearest escalator, and ended up at a place thats quite empty,
and looks sort of like a garden ><
HAHAS, then we walk walk walk, dunno until where.
Then went down the stairs, its a library.
Then the door locked-.- climbed up again.
Found another escalator and went down...
and eric's friend say its at the entrance there...
So walked back, and finally found the place.
the performance already started.
Eric didnt tell me Ingelica, Ardella and Era was performing...
Then the performance, i saw someone that look soo much like Ingelicia.
I thought is i see wrongly, or maybe im not that close with her soo reconigse wrong ppl.
Also didnt dare as Eric -.-
and found it weird cause she keep looking at my direction ... ><
Then after that another dance, saw ardella..
This time im certain, i asked eric. OMG, is that ardella?
Then he said ya, ingelica, ardelle and era all got perform.
Then after that saw era. ><
HAHAS! the dance was TERRRIFIC! :D
Enjoyed the show, and the 1 hour performance seems to end soo fast!
hahaas, then saw ingelica and ardella :)
And ardella told me the same thing again, she like my height :P
HAHAAS, after that ingelica's parents sent us to serangoon.
The ride back was definately alot faster than go cause bus vs car :P
hahas, then me and eric mrt-ed home.
Eric alighted at hougang station,
while i alighted at sengkang station and lrt-ed home :)
Reached home bathe, and watch tv.
Watch halfway, fell asleep :)
jiayous, lynette (:
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