Today, suppose to meet 11 @ Compass, but we're all late. Meet at 11.30 xD Lunch @ Long John Silvers W Cousin' Colleen and Darren. Me and Colleen share one meal, cause not very hungry :) Then went starbucks to study, bought double chocolate cream or sometihng like that :O then inside no seats, so sat outside. Do until 3+, suddenly like very hottt, i'm sweating while doing homework, so moved to subway :D Continue studying, did my lit essay, completed all my homework. Was playing with my new camera, AHAHAS. :D
Around 5, made our way to plaza sing. Tickets for Step up 3 only left first row, so walked to The Cathay, got the 2nd row ticket, wasn't any better. xD After that 1 hour of nothing to do, playing Darren's very interesting iPhone game, totally stared at it for at least half an hour. 7.30, movie. My second time watching step up 3, it ended alot faster, cause already know the story :P I am a spoiler, i kept reading out part of the scripts during the show. Colleen took my jacket, so Darren lend me jacket :) And he treat pop corn and drinks wor! At first say don't wan don't wan, but in the end i still eat! HAHAS :P
After that say want take photo de, but colleen's father suddenly came to fetch her home. Me and Darren walk up and down plaza sing, usual routine, don't know what to do and where to go. xD In the end, decided take MRT back sengkang :) Reached, walk to 109 bus stop pei him. Then actually he want wait for my 85 come first, then cross opposite wait for his 109. But i just missed 85, so i decided to go opposite take 372 also can. Then i reached there, saw the signboard, no 372. So i'm like nvm, wait for his 109 to come then i cross over take 85. But he's like, you sure here got your bus? Then he cannot see, so he try to use his iPhone take photo of the signboard, and i'm like blocking him. In the end, he found out, and insisted to cross back opposite wait for my bus first... Fine! Cross here cross there, like kuku. xD While waiting for bus, he suddenly nudge me, then show me his watch, 11:11. HAHAS. I made a mental wish :)
Reached home, bathed and blog. I want to wait for 2a.m. today :) Despite the fact that theres tuition waiting for me tmr! :P
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