okay hihi all. FYI, i'm super lazy to update about the cambodia trip. SIGHS! xD But it was seriously very meaningful and enjoyable, plus enriching! :D FLOOD you with all the adjectives! :D Jkjk. XD Yesterday slept very late, doing the friendship band for some kukumaru lor. But its like not very nice ley zen me ban! :(
Yesterday, went nex with colleen my ai ren; cousin. :D Morning went touch NDP, they like hire Ryan the instructor from oschool to come and teach sia! OMG, see him excited max. I damn admire his lyrical de. Heard from jacky that he know him. My dance teacher, jacky is his sir in army. :b and he say ryan last time injured before thats why can't do hiphop anymore, only can do lyrical! :( If not i think he would be even more outstanding! Seriously, he's zai. Go search ,oldmanryan on youtube! :D Okay, managed to hold a conversation with him after that! :D i went for his lyrical class at o school once, and he remembers me! he says i look very familiar! :D
Bused 101 to serangoon, long ride that i fell asleep and almost missed my stop. Walkeed around, realised that actually Nex nothing much to shop! :b Watched movie! :D ; Thor. It's like an adventure film, exciting, romantic, sweet and touching! :D it talks about the ancient gods of thunder blabla, exciting and war between the good gods and evil monsters. and it brings down to a romantic and sweet relationship that the guy Thor with Jane, a mortal. :D But i rate it 9 out of 10, cause the last part they couldn't be together cause to save the world, they broke the bridge that links the god's planet to earth. :( It's so sad, i cried like 4 times!"£$%^&* OKAY, i know i'm emotional, but not emo. Emo's like a type of emotional! :D I'm just, easily touched! :D OKAY, then went to the rooftop to cam-whore with my ai ren! :DD
LALALA, after the movie went comic connection to walkwalk. Saw damn lots of carebear, i think i've fallen in love with them! ^^ She looking at all the superjunior stuffs while i looking at plusheys! Oh ya, we went to eat shihlin and mac flurry blueberry thingy :O! :D I keep pulling her into plushey shops, like 'Build A Bear'. XD So cute omg, imagine if can build a ballerina bear! <3 I'm like head over heels for soft toys, they're so huggable and lovable, omgggg, cute! :D I like i like pooh too! :D another shop got like the pooh waterbottle, pencil case! OMG, all super cute. Wanted to go atm take money buy, but my salary not yet successfully transferred over, annoying! >: Walk until like 8 plus, then took mrt back :D
as usual , more photos on FB ! :D
Rushed home, unpleasant 'incident'. shall not elaborate much. :( Couldn't go fetch laopo; shiqi from airport, sorry much! >: Stayed up late to do the bracelet for some kukumaru laaaaaaa, but i really hope you will wear although its not very nice. :x but i do until 2 plus ley! :X
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