What hurts the most was being so close & having so much to say and watching you walk away :/
It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go. It’s hard to force that smile when I
See our old friends and I’m alone. Still harder Living with this regret… u.u"
Today morning went school for Touch. The security guard don't let me go into school cause i was in slippers. Thankfully jiasiang borrowed me his shoes and i walk in and change back to slippers. xD Training as in the library, i love leadership trainings cause i always feel inspired after that :D today the activity was to draw a picture of someone who inspired you. I drew weiqing, for people from NPCC, you guys should know who is he ba :) WELL, he really motivated me alot during the HLC camp. Thought me about setting goals, picking yourself up when you fall. He really gains my respect, salute! :D
RESILIENCE- is the ability to perservere when things are difficult, to keep going 'when the going gets though'. A resilient person is able to bounce back after a setback or disappointment, able to learn form mistaes and to try again until success is achieved. It is mindset, an attitude.
INTEGRITY.- is about honesty and seeking to do the right things. It is about being a trustworthy person who does not tell lies, and who keeps to his PROMISES. Integrity is about choosing the right thing to do despite temptations, pressure from others, and fear of bad things happening.
COMPASSION.- is about opening your eyes to the needs and the problems of other people, of choosing to tr to understand them and why they behave the way they do. Compassion is when you do not judge others for their mistakes and failures but you look for ways you can help them to improve and do better.
EXCELLENCE.- is having an attitude of always doing a good job in everything that you are doing. It is a mentality of not being satisfied with just doig the minimum, bt always wanting to deliver something that you know you can be prouf of. It i havin a mindset that you should give your best all the time, not getting affected by others.
Reflecting. When i was in primary school, we had this subject called CME. It was plain boring to me and whenever we did those small worksheets on CME, the questions would be like, what would you do if you saw an old woman crosing the road. the model answer would be, i'll go over and help her to cross over. That's like something that i felt we were all told to write this way, but not how we felt. Little did i expect that these little CME lessons actually brings me to a bigger word called Leadership. In sec ones, i detest CDL lessons, they're sleeping lessons for me. Till today, CDL lessons may sometime be boring, but there always a learning point from it. A point to learn and improve yourself to become a better person :D
Went home, super tired took a short nap. Ate mummy's signature spaghetti for lunch. MRT-ed to orchard meet Colleen. Went to this shopping mall called 'Tab'. There was a flea market on-going there :D First time going to flea market, the things there are nice and afforable, should have gotten to know this long ago! :b Bought nail polish and a top :D Oh ya, jiawei (collen's brother), my cousin and his girlfriend (my new friend), madeleine was there too :D LALA, went far east to shop. Took photos with Colleen using her polaroid camera, cool or what! :D Left around 6.15, took bus to dhoby ghaut and mrt-ed home.
Hate it when the person sitting beside you is constantly, openly and directly staring at your phone when you're sending a text message. What's there so nice to see? TSK. Esp when its a bangla! (not trying to be racist).
Reached home, bathed and ate spaghetti for dinner. :D Peaceful night for my family today. Suppose to start on homework, but blogging took my whole night away. Tomorrow's dance, leonard's birthday too. gonna plan a surprise party, yipeee! :D
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