Sunday. went for dance. LALA, leonard didn't come. Should i have know it earlier i wouldn't have went too, stayed at home do homework ... Cause i went today cause its his birthday and wanted to give him a surprise party... Dinner @ Subway with YueLong, Jasmine and Bel. AWW, yuelong's so sweet to Jas. He's like.
SORRY, i still love my Father first, mother second. And you third. And you must do the same okay?
AWW, xD Me and Bel was like FML... not becauseof their sweetness la of course, but because we were both very sick. Feeling so down that had not much mood to disturb him :b
Rushed homework till 3, tried smsing alot people but non reply, whyyyyy everyone sleep so early deee! :b
Have been feeling so sick since chinese dance camp... First it started out with sore throat due to the Barbecue. Had a sexayye voice. Now it deteriorated to throat inflammation, flu, cough and fever. Last night was 37.0, had phone call with kevink and darren. Kevin was like, 37.4 then fever. Abit later, took my temperature again, 37.4, soo zhun! xD But i am determined to go school today :)
School, kept coughing and coughing. My lungs feel so terrible, my nose is dropping out. SIGHS, I feel a sudden hot and cold. Managed to pass up all the homeworks teacher asked for today! :D Was so not feeling tired despite the 3 hours of sleep, until my medicine took effect and i become blurr. xD
After school had short meeting. YAY, proposal submitted to mr cheong le! :D It may be a small achievement to some people, but to me, i did something great! :D The talk by ziyang and jiajie will be on wednesday. Now gotta work on the powerpoint, posters and music video. Hope everything goes well! :D
I wanna skip school tomorrow, but not.
I wanna skip the feeling terrible part, if not i'll definately be elated to go to school :D
OH NO, mrs tey published my compo. Everyone's asking me about it. No, it was made up. I didn't do a split jump and faint okay! xD I was suppose to exaggerate it since it was a compo topic on Hunger. Some classes did the essay topic : Saying Goodbye. I've got inspirations for it, soo cool! :D When i got time i'll go and write an essay out :D I love english more and more nowdays. (Y)
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